One of the biggest changes when moving from formal employment to self-employment is the shift way from a structured 9-5 job. With a traditional employed role, you know when to start, when to finish, and when to take a lunch break, and this schedule helps you to structure your work throughout the day. Self-employment means that structure isn’t enforced on you, which is a good thing as it gives us the flexibility that so many self-employed professionals desire. But you do have to be careful that you implement self-discipline, tkae control of your time and the tasks that you have to complete, and put in place a structure that works for you personally but also ensures that you stay effective and productive.
Basic tips for time management
Self-employed individuals often encounter unique time management challenges that can get in the way of their productivity. Common pitfalls such as procrastination and basic distractions can affect how much work we can get through in a day. We want the flexibility but we it is also imperative that you maintain boundaries between your work and personal life also. Whilst this freedom to structure your own can seem daunting, it allows more control ultimately and means you can tailor your work to your own working styles. Here are a few tips to help you think about you can best manage your time:
Set fixed working hours to create a routine
While you no longer have to follow a set 9-5 working period, having structure and clarity upfront about which hours you will work will be an invaluable help to keep you productive. By knowing your hours, you can allocate dedicated time to essential tasks as well as delivering for clients. This will help you feel more in control and allow you to stay on top of your work as well as the task of running your business.
Have meetings with yourself
If you have been used to the process of joining meetings to talk about specific tasks or subjects, don’t be afraid to pivot that technique for yourself. Set specific time aside, whether it’s 30 mins or 2 hours to focus on specific tasks. Having these blocks of focused time, with breaks in between, means you can tick off that do list and maintain your productivity.
Prioritise daily tasks
In the world of self-employment, there are no managers to tell you what needs doing urgently…you must do that yourself. Taking time at the start of your working hours to run through your tasks and create a priority order for them will help remain focused and ensure you don’t forget the more urgent tasks that could impact your business’s growth and success. Aligned to this is ensuring that the larger tasks more focused on running your business (renewing any insurances, managing invoices etc) has regular time set aside in amongst your daily tasks.
Identify and adapt for peak productivity
The ability to be flexible with what you do and when is one of the many benefits of self employment. It’s a gift that must be used wisely to keep you focused and effective. Take some time to consider when you are at your best, some of us are morning people, others are night owls. But understanding when you have the greatest bursts of energy and how long you can focus for without a break is crucial to ensuring you have a productive and positive day.
Managing Distractions and Enhancing Focus
Although remote work and working-from-home is a common practice for many employees these days, there is still a mindset shift when working in a home setting to being in an office environment. Some people can find being in a home setting can raise a number of distractions throughout the day. Taking the time early on to identify any of these potential distractions and setting strategies to minimise them will be a massive help to keeping you on track for success.
In a home office setting, identifying common distractions is crucial for self-employed individuals aiming to enhance focus. Creating a dedicated workspace, establishing boundaries with family and friends, and practising mindfulness techniques form a cohesive strategy to minimise interruptions. These approaches not only support effective time management but also aid in accurately handling personal income and business model considerations while navigating responsibilities like form 1099 preparation.
Identify common home distractions
It is important that you have a clear and dedicated workspace in your home. This an provide an established boundary between you and the many common distractions that can arise at home such as other family members and household tasks. Having a place you can sit and focus helps you mentally switch into work mode. It will minimise interruptions and enhance your focus. You can also control what is in that immediate workspace, for example, you may want natural daylight if possible, leave any phones or other devices (if not essential for work) in another room, and sometimes add touches such as holiday photos of plants to create a setting where you feel relaxed.
Establish boundaries with family and friends
Being able to establish boundaries on your time with friends and family is vital to ensure you get the time and focus that you need to run a successful business. Not everyone understands the self employed way of life and can often think that it means you are available at any time, at short notice. It is imperative that you take control of this and clearly and kindly communicate your working hours to ensure you can maintain a work-life balance that works for you and your loved ones.
Taking breaks is allowed
Although the pressures of self employment can sometimes feel very heavy and it can often feel that you must work 24 hours a day to stay afloat, this absolutely won’t help. Being aware of mindfulness and building in any practices that work for you can be a key productivity technique to manage stress and improve your clarity, which will keep you on track for business growth and success. Breaks should be whatever works best for you, from 5 mins deep breathing, to a quick walk for some fresh air or a coffee in the garden (weather permitting!), never feel guilty for taking this time, it is all part of managing the self-employed routine, helping you achieve strong personal well-being and business performance.
Effective time management is a key tool to help you succeed in self employment. Ensure you factor in who you are and how you operate to get it right from the start. Don’t forget to review this as you go through the months. Taking time to assess how things are going and adapting practices and processes that you have in place will give you confidence that you are running a well-oiled ship. And of course, be sure to acknowledge your success and achievements – getting things like this right is crucial, so if you do it well, be proud of that, and use that motivation to keep pushing you forwards to more success.